Stem thickness
Stem quality
Frühlim is a 100% male hybrid and excellently suitable for the cultivation of white asparagus in a moderate climate. Frühlim combines its very early production with stem thickness and quality. The excluding tip makes Frühlim quite suitable for cultivation under mini-tunnels, or other thermal covering variations.
Frühlim thrives best on well drained sandy soils. During multi-annual own research, the best results for the white cultivation were achieved with a plant density of 3.5 - 4 plants per linear metre and a plant depth of 16 - 20 cm. Due to its natural earliness and advancing, Frühlim is very suitable for extra growing cultivation measures and advance with the aid of thermal foil or a mini-tunnel. Also under various types of covering, Frühlim keeps producing high-quality crops.
Frühlim has a high production potential, good quality and proper thickness. The product is white, has an excellent tip and is hardly or not at all sensitive to hollow stems, breaking or physiological rust. 75% of the products fall under sorting class 16 - 28 mm.
The quite uniform foliage of Frühlim has a dark colour, is raised and strongly developed. The foliage is strong against leaf diseases and will remain green until late into autumn. The good foliage properties also make Frühlim excellently suitable for organic cultivation.